










首页 - 国外临床 推荐

柳叶刀-The Lancet 新英格兰医学杂志-NEJM 美国医学协会杂志-JAMA 英国医学杂志-BMJ 世界胃肠病学杂志(中英文)
Circulation 临床肿瘤学杂志-Journal of clinical oncology Cancer Blood 骨与关节外科杂志
澳大利亚医学杂志-MJA 美国心脏杂志 Surgery 放射学 Hepatology
Gastroenterology 神经精神病学与临床神经科学杂志 美国心脏病学会杂志 急诊护理杂志 美国儿科学杂志
心血管研究 Cancer Research 临床医师癌症杂志-Cancer Journal for Clinicians 高血压杂志 传染病杂志
Stroke Medicine Nature medicine 神经病学文献集-Archives of Neurology 临床检查杂志-Journal of Clinical Investigation
肝脏病学-Hepatology Lung Brain Diabetes Hypertension
Neurosurgery 超声心动图杂志 外科学文献集-Archives of Surgery 胸腔与心血管外科学杂志 Gut
欧洲心脏杂志 European Heart Journal 哈佛大学心脏通讯 Journal of endocrinology 美国国家癌症研究所杂志
Clinical science Diabetologia Orthopedics 内科学文献-Archives of Internal Medicine Nephron
循环研究-Circulation Research Chest Neurology American Journal of Cardiology Annual review of medicine
衰老神经生物学-Neurobiology of Aging Heart Infromation News心脏信息 Journal of the American Dental Association Clinical endocrinollogy Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
美国精神病学杂志 Spine Oxford-Human Reproduction Journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry Journal of Musculoskeletal Research
British journal of cancer Annals of neurology Diabetes care American journal of kidney diseases Journal of pediatric surgery
Journal of pediatrics 耳喉科学 -头颈部外科文献集 Annals of surgery Thorax American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation World journal of surgery 心身医学 Critical care medicine Gastrointestinal endoscopy
Leukemia Radiology 致癌作用-Carcinogenesis Respiration Microsurgery
Endocrinology Pediatric infectious disease journal Obstetrics and gynecology Psychological medicine Clinical infectious diseases
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Journal of neurosurgery CMAJ-JAMC Neuropsychopharmacology Seminars in Liver Disease
British journal of surgery Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontics Ophthalmology Annals of oncology International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Canadian Medical Association journal Anesthesiology British journal of anaesthesia Journal of urology
Transplantation American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Oncogene Hand Surgery Anesthesia and analgesia
Journal of medical internet research Laryngoscope Clinical chemistry American journal of surgery Anaesthesia
Clinical orthopaedics and related research Journal of neurotrauma Oncology Schizophrenia research International journal of radiation biology
Endocrine reviews Journal of allergy and clinical immunology Acta obsterica et gynecologica Scandinavica Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition
journal of cataract refractive surgery Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Endoscopy Perfusion Circulation research
Clinical and experimental allergy International journal of gynecological pathology Journal of bone and joint surgery (British volume) Journal of periodontology-牙周病学杂志 European Society of Cardiology Journals
Archives of disease in childhood Pediatric clinics of Northe America International journal of cancer Jouranl of clinical psychopharmacology Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology Chemotherapy Arthritis and rheumatism Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology BJU international
Prostate Cancer and metastasis reviews Neuropediatrics Archives of neurology Biological psychiatry
British journal of psychiatry Experimental neurology Journal of nervous and mental disease Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology Journal of psychiatric research
Archives of dermatology Gene Therapy. Journal of Hand Surgery Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences American journal of gastroenterology
Experimental hematology Journal of bone and mineral research Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians Prenatal diagnosis
Bone marrow transplantation Burns Journal of bone and joint surgeryAmerican volume) Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica Archives of dermatological research
BMJ-Emergency Medicine Journal Annual Review of Neuroscience Pediatric cardiology Acta oncologica Journal of clinical psychiatry
Psychiatry Journal of clinical periodontology Radiation research Pain. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy Annals of the rheumatic diseases American journal of surgical pathology Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery Developmental medicine and child neurology
Acta neurologica Scandinavica Vision research Annals of Internal Medicine Annual Review of Psychology Transplantation proceedings
Journal of investigative dermatology Neuro-Ophthalmology Journal of dental research American journal of neuroradiology Journal of the American Dietetic Association
American journal of nursing Annals of interal medicine Diseases of the colon and rectum Pediatric nephrology Nature Reviews Cancer
Plastic and reconstructive surgery Archives of pediatrics and adolescent medicine British journal of dermatology Acta oto-laryngologica American journal of ophthalmology
Archives of ophthalmology British journal of ophthalmology Journal of the American Dental Association Clinical nuclear medicine Journal of computer assisted tomography
Medicine and science in sports and exercise Mayo clinic proceedings Pharmacology and therapeutics Frontiers in neuroendocrinology Seminars in liver disease
Thrombosis research Survey of ophthalmology Psychological Bulletin Nano Letters (ACS Publications) Pediatric research
Cancer gene therapy Schizophrenia bulletin Hearing research Journal of laryngology and otology Experimental eye research
Journal of endodontics American journal of roentgeology European journal of nuclear medicine Journal of nuclear medicine Magnetic resonance in medicine
Journal of investigative medicine Journal of rheumatology Osteoporosis international Journal of vascular surgery Medical and pediatric oncology
Sexually transmitted disease Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology Caries research Investigative ophthalmology and visual science